{ "extName": { "message": "WebNavigation Tech Demo", "description": "The extension name." }, "extDescription": { "message": "Demonstration of the WebNavigation extension API.", "description": "The extension description." }, "navigationDescription": { "message": ", requested $NUM$ times. Loaded in an average of $LOAD$ miliseconds.", "description": "The message posted in the popup for each stored navigation.", "placeholders": { "NUM": { "content": "$1", "example": "4 (The number of times this URL was accessed.)" }, "LOAD": { "content": "$2", "example": "12.345 (The average load time in miliseconds.)" } } }, "inHandler": { "message": "In webNavigation[`%s`] handler: %o", "description": "Notification displayed for each webNavigation event." }, "inHandlerError": { "message": "In webNavigation[`%s`] handler: No data!", "description": "Notification displayed in a webNavigation event handler without data!" }, "errorCommittedWithoutPending": { "message": "Wha? `onCommitted` for `%s` called, though it's not pending: %o", "description": "Error logged when `onCommitted` is triggered on a non-pending request." }, "errorCompletedWithoutPending": { "message": "Wha? `onCompleted` for `%s` called, though it's not pending: %o", "description": "Error logged when `onCompleted` is triggered on a non-pending request." }, "errorErrorOccurredWithoutPending": { "message": "Wha? `onErrorOccurred` for `%s` called, though it's not pending: %o", "description": "Error logged when `onErrorOccurred` is triggered on a non-pending request." }, "errorCommittedWithoutPending": { "message": "Wha? `onCompleted` for `%s` called, though it's not pending: %o", "description": "Error logged when `onCompleted` is triggered on a non-pending request." } }